Two state-owned corporations that don’t act without the blessing of Gov. Mike Dunleavy have cooked up a plan to tap into a slush fund to provide a $50 million guarantee to pay for a gasline study.
This story was originally published in Reporting From Alaska.
The Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority spent $250,000 of public money to complete an independent...
This story was originally published in Reporting From Alaska.
The world’s richest man claims he can find ways to cut at least $2 trillion from the annual...
Gov. Mike Dunleavy has spent $9,640 of state money on partisan political ads, many of which referred to “petitions'“ on education reform and parental rights.
The state missed out on more than $50 million in federal funding for highway projects because of the continuing troubles with the handling of transportation planning..
No one who reads the platform — a collection of bubble-brained slogans and simple wrong answers — will be fooled into thinking that the leading minds of Trump’s party have any idea what they are shouting about.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy is spending state money on another data mining expedition on Facebook, claiming he has petitions on parental rights and education reform.