Friday, March 28, 2025

Sam Davenport

Sam Davenport
Sam Davenport is a writer residing in Anchorage. She's a leo and a plant-person, and loves spending quality time with her dog, Aspen. She is a Real Housewives fan and has been called a Bravo historian.

Creative Currents: Casey Smith Project

Singer-songwriter Casey Smith’s third album, “Just Like You Wanted It,” was released on Valentine’s Day of this year, with the official album release party set for March 21. 

Creative Currents: Djamor Artworks

Artist Jenna Gerrety says her appreciation for nature and decomposition is a common thread that weaves in and out of her work.

Creative Currents: ‘A whole past life’ with Katie Martini

Katie Martini sang at her first open mic in Anchorage around a year ago. Although she had plenty of experience singing in professional choirs in southern California, this was a different feat. 

Creative Currents: Mindfully made beadwork with Menabash Media

When Navonne Benally first learned how to bead from their grandma around 17 years ago.

Creative Currents: Maintaining childlike wonder with Reagan Johnson

Reagan Johnson’s artistic style relies heavily on bold colors and shapes, which she says she likes to experiment with. 

Creative Currents: The story of Suga Wota

Artist, producer and singer Husse says his clothing and music brand Suga Wota was inspired by his mother.

Creative Currents: ‘Gone’ with Thomas Moore

Musician Thomas Moore is coming off a fruitful 2024.

Creative Currents: Pushing through the nerves with Lizzie Guillot

When Wasilla singer-songwriter Lizzie Guillot began consistently going to open mics in Anchorage, she challenged herself to play new material.

Creative Currents: No shortage of inspiration with Resurrection Bae 

Clay artist and jewelry maker Sadie Allen says she has never had an issue coming up with ideas.

Creative Currents: ‘Elevated and updated’ with Jay Simmons

After a busy 2024, Anchorage R&B singer Jay Simmons is currently working on his fourth album, and has some exciting projects for the new year.

Creative Currents: ‘On the tie dye journey’ with Mo Dart Art

For Mo Dart, tie dye isn’t just his go-to fashion choice, it’s a lifestyle. “My mother used to make fun of me because I would...

Creative Currents: Becoming ‘a lifetime learner’ with AMW. Arts

Fairbanks artist, illustrator and creative nonfiction writer Addie M. Willsrud is constantly inspired by the natural world.

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