Bret Connor opened the Spenard storefront in 2015, but has been making art for decades with an entrepreneurial drive — like selling friends' pieces in high school in the 90s, he says.
Born and raised in Anchorage, Brianna Toomer's solo exhibition, “Memories, Entre Then and Now,” is on display at Akela Space through May 31. The photo exhibit will feature polaroids, 35-millimeter and disposable film.
Brown Carlson, a Lake Clark homesteader, arrived in the area in 1904 after he jumped ship into the frigid waters and swam away from his life as a Norwegian sailor.
Madeline Goolie originally wanted to go to school for business, but after a COVID gap year, she made the decision to go all-in on art with Meg Art 907.
Dripping Zebra’s menu is inspired by regional Mexican dishes that aren’t readily available in Anchorage, including café de olla and dulce de leche-filled croissants.
Beloved Juneau singer-songwriter Buddy Tabor's music will hit streaming platforms next month, championed by devoted friends aiming to preserve his legacy and inspire new listeners.