The governor expressed optimism about a bill on carbon storage and other energy provisions but was pondering next steps on royalty relief bills that failed to pass.
This story was originally published in Alaska Beacon.
Alaska’s Kobuk River, which flows out of the Brooks Range above the Arctic Circle, is among the most threatened rivers in the nation because of potential development of a 211-mile road that would...
The Food Waste Prevention Week event aims to educate and inspire action, showcasing initiatives from individual behavior changes to statewide programs.
Louisiana Republican U.S. Sen. John Kennedy subjected Anchorage cross-country skier Gus Schumacher to a pop quiz about climate science in an exchange that went viral in conservative circles.
The 850 heat pumps represent one for “every residence” in the villages of Ambler, Buckland, Deering, Kiana, Kivalina, Kobuk, Noatak, Noorvik, Selawik and Shungnak.
Big energy news for the Northwest Arctic Borough, while a new study adds to the pile of evidence suggesting that booming, hatchery-boosted pink salmon populations could be harming wild sockeye.
Climate change poses an existential threat to cross-country skiing. But it's hard to talk about for some top athletes, who fear being accused of hypocrisy because of their travel-intensive lifestyles.
This story is republished from Northern Journal, which depends on subscriber support. Please consider subscribing.
A green power advocacy group says Anchorage’s electric utility is thwarting its efforts to propose an energy-saving payment scheme for customers, and it’s asking state regulators to...
Boosters say the legislation would give clear guidance to the state’s electric utilities to start shifting to wind and solar power amid a shortage of the locally produced natural gas that currently powers their plants.