Sunday, February 23, 2025


What would a statewide hand-count election look like in Alaska?

As Georgia plans to implement a partial hand count, a small Alaska experiment shows that it could be time-consuming here.

New Anchorage park to expand access while conserving habitat

Accessible and wild — many claim these two qualities as cornerstones to quality of life in Anchorage.

Murkowski in ‘complete agreement’ with recommended impeachment of disgraced federal judge

Alaska’s U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she fully supports a judicial panel’s recommendation to impeach Joshua Kindred.

The Dunleavy administration ignored the feds, and schools will be paying the price

It turns out it’s not a great idea to ignore letters from the feds.

No, the state isn’t pleased with the loss of $52 million in potential federal funds

The state missed out on more than $50 million in federal funding for highway projects because of the continuing troubles with the handling of transportation planning..

Anchorage Daily News owner refuses to recognize guild, hires union-busting lawyers

Ryan Binkley, the head of the group that owns the Anchorage Daily News, has rejected newsroom workers’ request to voluntarily recognize their union. Newsroom employees announced their plans to form the Anchorage News Guild to bargain for contracts that include...

GOP wins legal battle to keep convicted felon in Alaska’s U.S. House race

Donald Trump won’t be the only Republican-backed felon on Alaska’s ballot this year.

In race for Fairbanks borough mayor, progressive Grier Hopkins outpaces conservative John Coghill

It’s not the first time a Coghill and a Hopkins have vied for the same seat.

Anchorage Daily News staff aim to form state’s first unionized newsroom

Reporters and other news staff at the Anchorage Daily News announced today that they're working to establish Alaska's first unionized newsroom.

Creative Currents: Feral Designs Studio

When Lilly Gouge was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in 2020, she was given two options by her doctor: either take medication or find a way to reduce her stress.  Gouge, a boat captain in the summer and fire rescue...

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