Thursday, March 13, 2025


Mimosas with kickoff? Anchorage now allows restaurants to start serving alcohol at 8 a.m.

Prior to the change, restaurants could not start serving alcohol until 10 a.m., and liquor stores opened at noon on Sundays.

Anchorage Mayor-elect LaFrance announces key hires

Anchorage Mayor-elect Suzanne LaFrance is shaping her administration.

EPA threatens to step in if Alaska does not update its water pollution limit

Does the average Alaskan eat more than a cracker’s worth of fish per day? The answer could have big implications.

Murkowski splits from GOP on contraception bill, Sullivan skips vote

The measure failed to pass the procedural vote threshold of 60 votes at 51-39. Murkowski and Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins supported the bill.

Alaska state judge considers fine against backers of ranked choice repeal measure

Judge Laura Hartz said at the end of the hearing that she intends to issue a decision by June 21, though it may not be until the following Monday.

Dunleavy leaves home-school families in limbo with continued push for spending on private and religious schools

Alaska's home-schooling landscape remains uncertain as regulations stall amid the Dunleavy administration's push for private and religious school funding.

Cloudy With A Chance Of Disaster

As climate change increases the likelihood of deadly landslides, cities like Juneau are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Alaska’s open primaries and ranked-choice voting set up a new kind of legislative race

Under reforms approved by voters in 2020, Alaska has abandoned the traditional semi-closed partisan primaries in favor of open primaries that send the top four finishers to the general election regardless of political affiliation.

Dunleavy spends state money promoting new Facebook data mining ‘petition’ campaigns on education

Gov. Mike Dunleavy is spending state money on another data mining expedition on Facebook, claiming he has petitions on parental rights and education reform.

The race for Alaska’s Legislature is set

Of the 50 Alaska Legislature races on this year’s ballot, all but eight will be contested.

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