Friday, March 28, 2025
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The Midnight Sun

Dunleavy doesn’t want you to read this report on teacher pay

In a stunning move, even by his standards, the administration of Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy killed a report by state economists that showed Alaska’s teacher pay isn’t quite what it used to be. According to an op-ed published by Dan...

Doyon deals blow to controversial Ambler mining road

The news came in a one-page letter from Doyon, Limited CEO Aaron Schutt, which cited a “fraught” relationship with and “poor treatment” from the state-owned development corporation Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority.

Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson’s approval numbers are about as terrible as you’d expect

New polling shows far-right Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson public approval has dropped severely since he was elected in 2021. Bronson’s time in office has been a slow-motion trainwreck marred with controversies, accusations of ethical breaches, political patronage and a...

AFN passes resolution opposing repeal of open primaries, ranked-choice voting

The Alaska Federation of Natives wrapped up its annual convention in Anchorage this weekend, including approving a slate of resolutions outlining the priorities of the state’s largest Alaska Native organization on everything from subsistence rights and economic policy to...

Alaska development agency sues to revive canceled ANWR leases

A month after the Biden administration canceled oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that were issued in the waning days of the Trump administration, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) has challenged the...

US House gives Rep. Mary Peltola a standing ovation on first vote back

The U.S. House of Representatives is still bitterly divided over who will be the next speaker but, on Tuesday, had a broad bipartisan showing when it welcomed back Alaska's U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola. Peltola has been away from Washington...

‘We’re setting ourselves up for failure’: Anchorage Assembly’s first dive into Bronson budget proves troubling

Earlier this month, far-right Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson released a budget proposal with big claims about key investments — particularly in areas that have plagued the administration, like snow plowing — with a bottom line that was not only...

Two progressives — a former legislator and an assembly member — declare for Fairbanks Borough mayor

FNSB Assembly member Savannah Fletcher and former former Democratic Rep. Grier Hopkins have announced their plans to run for mayor next year.

Dunleavy will have near free rein in filling vacant House seat

On Tuesday, North Slope independent Rep. Josiah Aullaqsruaq Patkotak resigned his seat in the Alaska Legislature after handily winning his race for mayor of the North Slope Borough. His departure and status as an independent will give Republican Gov....

Dunleavy’s trans sports ban goes into effect, setting up more fights

The ban on high school trans female athletes from competing on girls' teams that Gov. Mike Dunleavy has been pushing ever since such a ban fell flat in the Alaska Legislature went into effect this week. The Alaska School Activities...

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