If conservative Reps. Jamie Allard and Tom McKay were hoping for a groundswell of support for the governor’s “parents’ rights” bill, then Thursday night’s...
Tonight, the House Education Committee is slated to take public testimony on Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s major policy push of this year’s legislative session: The...
The amendment process in the House Finance Committee wrapped up on Tuesday afternoon with a vast majority of proposals for increased funding on everything...
Following the announcement that the Biden administration had approved the Willow project on the North Slope—which is being hailed as the next big era...
The House Education Committee this morning advanced legislation to increase the base student allocation not to levels that statewide school advocates say is needed...
Update: The Senate has formally declined the House's request for a joint session to override the governor's veto.
The Legislature voted unanimously to reject proposed...
Part of the reason legislators swiftly moved legislation to reject pay increases for Gov. Mike Dunleavy and his cabinet was because the Alaska State...
With little fanfare, the Senate Education Committee on Monday advanced legislation to increase public school funding as districts around the state face a bad...
Education funding has been at the forefront of this year’s legislative session with many, many hearings about the tough decisions schools face throughout the...
Officials from the Department of Health found themselves in front of the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday to answer about the months-long backlog for...