The governor expressed optimism about a bill on carbon storage and other energy provisions but was pondering next steps on royalty relief bills that failed to pass.
Removing all the offshore oil infrastructure from Cook Inlet could cost $1 billion. But some platforms have sat idle for decades, as inspectors say they're in an "advanced state of disrepair."
The 850 heat pumps represent one for “every residence” in the villages of Ambler, Buckland, Deering, Kiana, Kivalina, Kobuk, Noatak, Noorvik, Selawik and Shungnak.
Sutton Republican Rep. George Rauscher says he wants to encourage innovation without leaving fossil fuels behind. But one critic is blasting his new bill as a “jumbled mess.”
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A green power advocacy group says Anchorage’s electric utility is thwarting its efforts to propose an energy-saving payment scheme for customers, and it’s asking state regulators to...